In Russia smoke more than 60 % of the population, and children try the first cigarette already in the third class, the deputy director of scientific research institute of pulmonology ФМБА of Russia, the expert of the World organisation of public health services (CART) on struggle against a tobacco smoking in Russia Nikolay Antonov on the eve of the International day of refusal of the smoking marked in the world on November, 19th has declared RIA Novosti news agency.
Smokers in the Russian Federation - the majority
By data the CART, in the world of 90 % of death from a cancer of lungs, 75 % - from a chronic bronchitis and 25 % - from an ischemic heart trouble are caused by smoking. Each ten seconds on a planet one chain smoker dies, by 2020 this level can raise to one person for three seconds.
“Our country is considered one of the smokers in the world because if 50 % of the population there are more smokes, this country carry to number of the countries with high distribution of smoking. At us smokes more than 60 %”, - has told Antons.
In day refusal of smoking millions smokers voluntary for one day or more refuse smoking. In the Russian Federation “the International day of refusal of smoking” is spent since 1992. Work on carrying out of day of refusal of smoking last two years considerably became more active.
According to Antonova, on different regions of Russia among the man's population the quantity of smokers reaches 70 %-75 %, prevalence of smoking among women is slightly less - 35 %-40 %.
Cigarettes began to involve women and children
According to the expert, in those countries where there is an active struggle against smoking, among the man's population the quantity of smokers decreases. Therefore, the companies which are letting out cigarettes, do the advertising focused on a female and teenage part of the population and by that there the quantity of smokers among these categories of the population grows.
“These thin beautiful cigarettes, active work with rising generation, lead to that during the last years prevalence of smoking among women and among kiddies” sharply increases, - has told Antons.
According to the expert, children try the first cigarette in 10 years or in the third class, and to leaving school of an order of 30 % of boys become smokers.
“It is considered that 50 %-55 % of kiddies to the termination school tried cigarettes”, - the expert has noted.
Smokers live less for 10-15 years
According to Antonova, life expectancy at chain smokers is reduced at least to 10-15 years. Plus to everything, all smokers suffer chronic pulmonary diseases.
“Smoking is a risk factor more than 15 every possible cancers, it is at the bottom of diseases бронхолегочных pathologies, cardiovascular, эндокринологии. And death rate, naturally, increases, and life expectancy falls at these people a minimum for 10-15 years”, - he has underlined.
Antons does not recommend to chain smokers at which high nicotinic dependence, to give up smoking independently, but only under supervision of the doctor. He considers that the negative moment of refusal of smoking is fixed further in memory at these people and repeated attempts, as a rule, happen not so successful.
“Refusal of smoking is a process. Not necessarily from one attempt to throw, them can be both two, and three”, - the expert has told.
Antons considers that for today is not present any it is unique a correct and effective method of treatment which on 100 % would relieve the person of tobacco dependence.
“Unfortunately, it is enough challenge and efficiency of refusal of smoking depends on ability of the doctor, from ways of treatment and fluctuates from 30 % to 60 %-70 %”, - the expert summarised.
Socially responsible tobacco
In turn, many tobacco companies prefer not to make comments on a smoking problem directly, declaring that all largest manufacturers have social programs, including directed on struggle against teenage smoking. It is expressed, for example, in support of activity of public organisations, in which centre of attention there is a tobacco smoking problem.
Manufacturers inform sellers on legal aspects and the legislative restrictions existing in a trade area by their production, have informed RIA Novosti news agency in the Russian representations “Filip Morris of International” and Japan Tobacco International (JTI). Besides, the companies provide retail with thematic evident materials which take places in shops where tobacco products are realised. For example, it is the label informing on an interdiction of sale of cigarettes to citizens, not reached 18 years.
As the director of department for corporate questions аффилированных the companies “Filip Morris of International” in Russia Alexey Kim, Philip Morris has told RIA Novosti news agency, for example, voluntary puts on packing of cigarettes the information that sale of cigarettes by the minor is forbidden.
“We are convinced that only the adult person in a condition to make the informed decision in advantage or against smoking”, - has noted Kim.
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